i met with peggy last week; she is doing a project that involves CANADIAN BLOOD SERVICES and vancouver photographers. i told her i'd love to help her and put the word out in regards to this project..
here's the project:
The Gift of Life – A Community ProjectThe Gift of Life is a community project for the Canadian Blood Services. The vision of the project is to use photography to raise awareness on the importance of blood donation and the worthwhile reasons for donating and as a result, inspire people to take action and become donors.
Vancouver based photographers are invited to photograph people (e.g. family or friends) who have been blood or blood product recipients. Photographs need to convey the feeling of joy and happiness, capturing the essence of the subject “living life” and celebrating their vitality. All submitted photographs will be accompanied by a short caption of the subject and the story in the image.
The idea is that these images, along with their captions, will touch, inspire, and convey this message to their audience: Because of a stranger’s act of generosity – the act of blood donation - subjects in the photographs have been given a second chance to be with their friends and family, and to continue to enjoy and contribute in life.
A public exhibition will be held to feature selected photographs.
Image Submission CriteriaPhoto submission is open to all professional and amateur photographers in the Greater Vancouver area
Since the objective of this project is to touch, move, and inspire Canadians to become blood donors through emotive images of the subject (past blood donation recipient) “living life”, we are looking for the following characteristics from submitted images:
* In a photojournalistic style, image should capture the subject being “in their element”, living life, enjoying friends, family – being joyful. The image should be a candid picture rather than a posed portrait
* Image should be emotive, i.e. it needs to generate an emotion from the audience
* Image can be black and white or colour
* Image needs to be accompanied by a short description (no more than 500 words) of the subject’s name (first name only is fine) and his/her story on their reason for blood transfusion, and the “story” in the image
* Image must not be larger than 5000 pixels on the longest side. It can be submitted in Photoshop (.psd) or jpeg format
* Send your image to peggy@lumeophotography.com along with the description of the subject and image by December 4, 2009
Note: Each participating photographer retains copyright to his/her images. In submitting the images, the photographer agrees to allow Canadian Blood services to show the single presentation print in any number of exhibitions as long as the photographer's name is attached with the image. Canadian Blood Services will not use the images for any other purpose without written consent from the photographer. The photographer is responsible for all model releases.
for more info on the project please check out peggy's group on facebook: